SHAPES is a multi-game made up of 4 unique games in a deck. A game for couples looking for fun and competitive game to play in spare time.

Made: 2022 

Category: Playing cards

Cards: 73

Age: 18+

Couple Games objective:

How to play

Guess The Shape

How to play

Guess The Shape is a couple’s fun and intimate game. It has 3 levels and a player need 5 points to move up a level.

Number of players: 2 players (couples game)

  1. Divide the cards into the 3 phases. 22 cards in each level.
  2. Start with phase 1. Players decide who plays first.
  3. Pick a card from phase 1, face it down and ask your opponent to guess the shape.
  4. If your opponent doesn’t guess the correct shape, you win a point and your opponent has to act or answer what’s on the card.
  5. If your opponent does not want to act or answer what’s on the card, they lose a point.
  6. If your opponent has no point to begin with, they go on a minus point. A player can have up to 15 points in minus, which means they lost the game.
  7. The first player continues the game.
  8. When your opponent guesses the shape correctly, it becomes their turn to play. It does not mean the player who guessed the correct shape has won a point. You need 5 points in a phase to move up the next level.
  9. Amendments: You have 3 amendment cards to use in the game as a lifeline. Each phase has its own Amendment card. Players use their Amendment card twice at anytime, on the phase their opponent is on. You can only use the matching Amendment card on the phase your opponent is on.
  10. To use your Amendment, shout Amendment and your opponent has to pause the game.
  11. Pick an act from the 4 acts in the Amendment card. You and your opponent contest against your chosen act and whoever wins the contest continues the game.
  12. If a player forgets or did not want to use their Amendment card at the phase their opponent was on, they cannot use it any longer once their opponent moves on to the next phase of the game.
  13. Amendment is a strategy of getting the game back to a player, only if the player wins the contest of the Amendment act.
  14. End game: The winner who gets 15 points first, across the 3 phases, picks a preferred card from the 7 heart cards and present it to their opponent.

Below are the acts in the Amendment cards

Phase 1, Amendment Card

Phase 2, Amendment Card

Phase 3, Amendment Card

Cards on Hand


Cards on Hand game was created with couples group friends in mind but it’s suitable for any group friends. Up to 7 players can play and it is played with the bottom section of the cards.

Number of players: 3-7 players (friends). 2 players can play but it’s harder to play with two players.

The Objective

The aim of the game is to get rid of all the cards on you whilst all other players tries to stop that from happening. On this game all the players are against each other and can play against anyone. When playing Cards on Hand you have to be calculative and use your cards strategically in order to win.

Playing Props

Cards on Hand is played with the complete SHAPES card deck, the 73 playing cards.

The Game

  • Start by taking out the 7 LAST cards (also known as the end game cards)
  • Shuffle the 66 cards and hand out a card to each player facing the cards down. Every player should get 4 cards and then a LAST card. Each player should get 5 cards to begin with.
  • Once cards are handed out to players, the game begins in a playing rotation.
  • You place a card down and highlight who you are playing the card against. You can play against anyone. Everyone is against everyone on Cards on Hand and you are solely in it to win it. Except when deciding to team up with a player.
  • Whenever you have 3 cards left, which always includes the LAST card, you have to say Cards on Hand. If you don’t and other players highlighted that you didn’t, you have to pick 2 cards from the deck, for your error.
  • Players have to call out other players for not saying Cards on Hand, if that player had only 3 cards left on them and that player tries to go for a win.
  • Players play a LAST card after their last active card, to show they have won the game. 


The Cards

Single Shape Cards

  • The black single shape cards are PICK cards. Depending on how many sides the shape has means that is how many cards you want an opponent to pick from the deck. For example, a square has 4 sides, that means if you play a black single square card against a player you want that player to pick 4 cards. And a circle has 1 curved edge, that means the  opponent who you are playing against picks a card.
  • The same goes for the red DROP cards and the yellow GIVE cards.
  • A red square card equal to drop 4 cards. The player you’re playing against drops 4 cards that is on them.
  • yellow square cards equal to give 4 cards. That means you’re giving an opponent 4 cards from the cards on you. 

  Double Shapes Cards

  • The double squares cards are TWIN cards. Which equal to playing against 2 players. The two players who you are playing against picks 2 cards from the deck. It does not mean the 2 players picks 4 cards each.
  • The double triangles cards are SKIP cards. That means you want to skip yourself from playing next. For example, if a player plays a card against you that you don’t like, you can play a SKIP card, to tell that player to skip you and to play against another player. Players cannot skip a RANK card or an OVERRIDE card.
  • The double circles cards are TWICE cards. It allows players to play a card again after placing a TWICE card.

  Triple Shapes Cards

  • Triple shapes cards are OVERRIDE cards. They are players power cards in the game. Players can override any cards except a RANK card or a LAST card. For example, if a player tells you to pick 4 cards you can override their card and they would have to play against a different opponent. Another example is, if a player plays a SKIP card to you, you can override the SKIP card but if that same player then plays you back an OVERRIDE card and you don’t have another OVERRIDE or a RANK card to play against them, you have to comply to that player first card they played you which was the pick 4 cards (black square card).

  Blank Cards

  • BLANK cards are the opposite of SKIP cards. Players use this card to stop an opponent from playing next. For example, you can blank a 3rd or 4th player from playing when it’s their turn to play next, in the playing rotation of the game.

  Heart Cards

  • Black heart cards are AGAINST cards. You can give an opponent a black heart to let them know you are against them and if another player gives the same opponent a black heart that opponent has to pick 4 cards from the deck. If only 1 player is against an opponent, that opponent does not pick any card from the deck. 2 player are required to be against a player for that player to pick 4 cards.
  • A red heart card is a FOR card. It means you like a player and you’re not against them. When you give a player a FOR card you cannot play against them for 1 round in the playing rotation of the game.
  • Yellow heart cards are TEAM cards. When you team up with a player, you and that player becomes a joint player (1 player) and if the joint players wins the game, it becomes a joint win. The player you want to team up with also has to agree to team up with you. Players who get a TEAM card can play the card even if other players don’t want to team up, as players need to still get rid of all the cards on them.

  Rank Cards

  • RANK cards are your most powerful cards in the game.
  • Players cannot use an OVERRIDE card on a RANK card.
  • There are 2 types of RANK cards. A high rank and a low rank. See below the order of the ranks.
  • A black level is to order a player to not play against you no more, for the rest of the game.
  • A red level is to eliminate a set of cards. Sets of cards are PICK, DROP, GIVE, TWIN, SKIP, TWICE, OVERRIDE, BLANK, AGAINST & TEAM cards, except the FOR card. When players use a red level decision, all players who has the eliminated cards has to take off the cards out of their playing cards and cannot use that set of cards again. Including the same set of cards players take out from the deck, if it’s an eliminated card.
  • The yellow level decision is to change the playing rotation of the game. Or you do not want to make any decision for the game and to leave/keep the game as it is.
  • Players who gets a RANK card can use it when it’s their turn to play, at anytime. To make a decision by highlighting which level in the RANK card they are applying to the game, to alter the game.

  Last Cards

  • Players only place a LAST card to highlight a win, after playing their last active card.

  Reject -Cards- 

  • Are cards you do not want to play against an opponent or cannot use against an opponent. When you reject a card you have to pick a new card from the deck. For example when a player only has an OVERRIDE and a SKIP card left on them and it’s their turn to play but no one played against them, that player would have to reject a card and pick a new card, as you cannot use your OVERRIDE or SKIP cards if no one played against you.
  • If a player do not want to reject a card but it’s their turn to play, they can pick a card from the deck instead.
  • The cards most players reject are DROP, SKIP, FOR, TEAM and OVERRIDE cards.


  • It is mandatory for players to say Cards on Hand, when they have 3 cards left on them which always include a LAST card.
  • Leftover card deck should be shuffled frequently.
  • A RANK card is a decision card.

Shape Shot


Shape Shot is an intimate game played as a couple. It is fun and active. You get only 1 round in the game and the winner picks a card from the 3 end game cards (the heart cards) that were selected for the game set-up. Shape Shot is played with the top section of the cards.

Number of players: 2 players (couples game)


The Objective

The goal of Shape Shot is to get all your shots into the cups with a tennis ball before your opponent does. The entire round can be won if a player gets 3 shots in a row, into the mini red shot glasses at the middle.

Playing Props

Shape Shot is played with 20 red large plastic cups and 3 mini red shot glasses. Along with a lime juice/alcohol shots. We recommend using lime juice, for a sober mind whilst playing and as the shot is sour, it prompts players to engage in the game than to take a shot and also good for non-alcoholic drinkers. The 20 red large cups and 4 mini red shot glasses, a fresh sealed lime juice and a pack of table tennis balls comes with the SHAPES Full Package from the SHOP section. Alternatively customers can get their own props elsewhere.

The Game

  • Look at the images below for the right set-up of game
  • Start by taking the 7 end game cards (the heart cards also known as last cards) out of the deck.
  • Shuffle the cards and split it somewhat in the middle. Each players take a part of the divided cards and picks 10 cards of their choice. Do not let your opponent know your chosen cards.
  • From the 7 end game cards that were separated from the deck, both players picks the end game cards. Play a rock, paper, scissors of who picks the first end game card, and the player who loses picks the second end game card then play another rock, paper, scissors of who picks the third & final end game card.
  • The 2 players set-up their games on a table, as shown in the images above. Be sure to face your cards down before placing the cups on top.
  • Drinks are not needed in the set-up cups. There should be an extra mini red shot glass placed at the side of the table (see image above) used for taking the lime shots.
  • After the set-up the game then begins with a player taking a shot into any of their cups. If a shot is made, the opponent has to participate what is on the card. If the opponent rather not participate they would then have to take a lime shot. If they participate, they don’t take the lime shot.
  • If a player misses their shot, it becomes the other player turn to play. When a shot is made, the player who got the shot in continues playing until they miss a shot.
  • The entire game can be won if an opponent makes 3 shots simultaneously into the mini red shot glasses at the centre of the table.
  • End Game: the player who wins the game picks 1 card out of the 3 end game cards placed at the centre of the table.


  • There are no use of the Amendment cards in Shape Shot.
  • If preferred, drinks are not needed in the set-up cups, instead a spare mini red shot glass can be used, as this ensures the drinks being taken are clean. Due to the tennis balls used dropping on the floor and other dirty surfaces.
  • Shape Shot is referred to taking a shot with a ball, as long as there is a card beneath the cup.




Spot is simple and straightforward. It is a game to play when looking for something short and simple within SHAPES games. It has 9 diamond shapes and each shape needs to be ticked for a player to win.

Number of players: 2 players (friends and couples game)

The Objective

The target for this game is to guess the diamond spots your opponent picks at random. The winner decides the end game (the heart cards), if played as a couple and if played as friends the end game is not implied.

Playing Props

Spot is played with the 7 end game cards (the heart cards) and the 3 Amendment cards in SHAPES card deck. A score sheet is also required to play Spot. This can be hand drawn on paper by players or bought with SHAPES Full Package in the SHOP section.

The Game

  • See diagram for Spot game score sheet below.
  • Spot is played with the back of the cards.
  • Decide who is player 1 and player 2 and write your names in the score sheet
  • Each players take turns picking a spot from the 9 diamond spots and conceal it with the cover. See diagram above.
  • Your opponent guesses where the spot is at by pointing to one of the diamonds in the cover.
  • If your opponent guesses the spot right, they tick the diamond box they got right in the score sheet. And the game would be passed on to them to play.
  • If your opponent guesses it wrong, you tick the diamond box in the score sheet (only tick the box that you won) and continue playing.
  • When a player wins 3 ticks in a row on their score sheet, they have to pass the game on to their opponent.
  • Players cannot play/pick the same spot that has already been ticked in their score sheet.
  • End Game: the first player who has all 9 ticks in the score sheet, wins the round.



  • There are no use of Amendment acts on Spot game.


Frequently asked questions

1. Can you play guess the shape & shape shot without drinks?

Yes, you can play with lost points. Although, we recommend playing with lime juice shots, to amplify the intensity of the game.

2. How does guess the shape game end?

The winner decides how the game ends by picking one of the End Game heart cards (Last cards). There are 7 End Game cards in the deck.

3. What are the best tips to play cards on hand?

Pay attention to players with only 3 cards or less. Sometimes whilst focusing on winning other players are on their Cards On Hand (Cards On Hand means players who has just 3 cards left on them).

4. Can under 18 years play shapes?

No! SHAPES is not suitable for 17 year olds and under. Our primary users are from 18 to 45 years old.

5. Can you play Shapes in groups

Yes, Cards On Hand game is designed for groups. Guess The Shape and Shape Shot are particularly tailored to couples. The Spot game is a simple game played with friends or as a couple.

1. Can you play guess the shape & shape shot without drinks?

Yes, you can play with lost points. Although, we recommend playing with lime juice shots, to amplify the intensity of the game.

2. How does Guess The Shapes game end?

The winner decides how the game ends by picking one of the End Game heart cards (Last cards). There are 7 End Game cards in the deck.

3. What are the best tips to play Cards On Hand?

Pay attention to players with only 3 cards or less. Sometimes whilst focusing on winning other players are on their Cards On Hand (Cards On Hand means players who has just 3 cards left on them).

4. Can under 18 year olds play SHAPES?

No! SHAPES is not suitable for 17 year olds and under. Our primary users are from 18 to 45 years old.

5. Can you play Guess The Shape in groups?

Guess The Shape and Shape Shot are particularly tailored to couples.

Cards On Hand game is designed for groups (friends). The Spot game is a simple game played with friends or as a couple.

6. What are Amendments for?

The Amendment cards are power cards which players uses in Guess The Shape game. It is a lifeline. A player can use their level of Amendment only at the level their opponent is on.

There are 4 acts in an Amendment card. Pick one act you are confident in and play it against your opponent. If you win the Amendment contest, the game is automatically reversed back to you to play. If you lose the Amendment against your opponent, your opponent continues the game. 

7. Is SHAPES strictly for couples?

No, friends can play Cards On Hand and the Spot game.